Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for FPWF3, FPWF4 and FPWF5 Quick Connect Series Pole Hooks.

Vinyl Cap used for WMT Wall tube. Fits over any 1" OD Pole.

Replacement Guide Bushing for RB2CL, RB2SC, RB2DCL and RB2DSC Deck Hanger Arms. Also used in the clamps for SRB3CL, SSRB3CL, SRB1CL, SACLS, and SACLSX. Used in the screw...

This vinyl cap features the top hole BUT NO THUMB SCREW HOLE. It's used for RB2CL, RB2SC, RB2DCL, RB2DSC, SRB1CL, SACLS, SACLSX, SRB3CL, SRB3SC, SSRB3CL, SSRB3SC Deck...

This vinyl cap features the thumb screw hole and is used for RB2CL, RB2SC, RB2DCL and RB2DSC Deck Hanger Arms. Also used on the WB2 wall hanger.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement Cap for HP65 and HP65G Hummingbird Poles.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for EH4, EH6, EH12, EH18, EH29. Also the lower cap for BH12, BH24 and BH36 Branch Hooks.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic cap for Large Radius End of the BH12, BH24 and BH36 Branch Hooks.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for FPWF1 and FPWF2 Quick Connect Series Pole Hooks.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for RTWFR1, RTWF1X Quick Connect Series Pole Hooks. Also JCPWP and MWFWP Dish holders.

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for both ends of the MH54 Branch Hook

Vinyl Cap. Replacement plastic caps for EH4B, EH6B, EH12B, EH18B, EH29B.